De Mazenod Charism LMS

Meet the presenters for this course – DMF

Bishop Mark Edwards OMI
I have self-identified as a Missionary from the age of 18 and have been frustrated by an inability to be effective in this way, at times.  A Secular Age has helped me to understand the young people I worked with, and their parents, and me.  Convinced of the truth of its observations, I want to equip others with these insights so that their evangelising efforts can be even more fruitful and so I was delighted when Fr Christian invited me to make this presentation to our Province.  I do hope you find it as perceptive, freeing, enabling and as exhilarating as I do.

David Schutz
I was an ordained Lutheran pastor for almost ten years before entering full communion with the Catholic Church in 2001, and served the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne at Executive Officer of the Ecumenical and Interfaith Commission for 18 years. At the same time, I have been an adult faith formator for Anima Women’s Network and taught at Australian Catholic University. I have a passion for studying history as a way of understanding our present age. On the one hand, Taylor has helped me to make sense of the secularism and pluralism in our western society and on the other hand has given me real direction in how to communicate the Gospel of the coming Kingdom of God in this new context. 

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